
The techniques of kathak | footwork | composition | facial expressions

the techniques of Kathak dance

Kathak, a classical dance style that originates from the northern regions of India, is a captivating art form that seamlessly combines rhythm, narrative, and intricate motions. As performers gracefully traverse the stage, they skillfully fuse footwork, hand movements, and facial expressions to communicate feelings, stories, and cultural heritage. This article takes you on an exploration […]

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what is Natyadharmi and Lokdharmi

Natyadharmi vs Lokdharmi: A Comparative Study of Artistic Styles

In the realm of classical Indian performing arts, specifically within the framework of the Natya Shastra, the ancient text on dramatic theory and performance authored by Bharat Muni, two distinct concepts known as “Dharmi” are elucidated: Natyadharmi and Lokdharmi. These terms are deeply rooted in a nuanced understanding of “Dharm,” a word that has undergone

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