Navarasa (Nine Emotions) Rasanubhuti

When Sthayi Bhava are nourished by rest of the bhavas i.e. Vibhav Bhava विभाव (Knowledge), Anubhav Bhava अनु-भाव (subsequent) and Sanchari Bhava  संचारी या व्यभिचारी भाव- (transitory) is known as Navarasa (expression).  Rasa are of 9 kinds – These are

1. Love (shringaara)

2. Laughter (haasya)

3. Compassion (karuna)

4. Anger (raudra)

5. Courage (veer)

6. Terror (bhayaanak)

7. Disgust (vibhats)

8. Wonder (adbhutha)

9. Peace or silence (shanta).

When a relationship is established between performer and audience emotions of the character spread from performer to audience by relishing the rasa is known as extraction of Rasa रस की निष्पति (extraction).

1. Shringaar Rasa (श्रृंगार): Shringaar Rasa is one of the nine Rasa of performing art (Indian Classical Dance) that is originated by the Love, a permanent emotion Rati Sthayi Bhava (रति स्थाई भाव).

Alamban Vibhaav- Nayak Nayika

Uddippan Vibhaav- Moon, Moonlight, chirping of Birds, Rain etc.

Anubhava: Pleasant smile, shyness etc

In simple language, Shringaar Rasa means Erotic, romantic love or attraction or beauty between Nayak and Nayika i.e. hero and heroines which arose the emotion of envy, rage, fury, compassion, physical intimacy, etc. Rati Rasa is said to be the mother of all the Rasas.

Lord Vishnu is the presiding deity of Shringaar and its colour is Blue.

Playful exchange like blushing, pleasant smile etc between lover or spouse evoke Shringaar Rasa.

Shringara Rasa can be classified into four heads:

  • Samkshipta: It includes Blushing, shyness which is considered as Sattvika Bhavas.
  • Sampanna: It includes the reunion of the couple after a long separation.
  • Sambhoga: Lovers who are deeply in love with each other express their love by glances, sweet moments, touch, conversation, pleasing facial expressions etc.
  •  Vipralambha: This is the reverse of Sambhoga where there is deep love between Nayak and Nayika still separated that causes the emotion of sleeplessness, sickness, doubt, jealousy, etc.

2. Hasya Rasa: Hasya Rasa expresses joy and amusement that arise from the Hasa Sthayi Bhaav. Hasya Rasa colour is said to be white and associated with Pramathas who are attendants of Lord Shiva

Alamban Vibhaav- Person Who Used To Amuse People By Speech And Activity.

Uddippan Vibhaav- Amusing Activity

Anubhaav: Broad Smile

Hasya Rasa has been classified in 6 types:

  • Smitha: A little, gentle and pleasing smile with slight blown cheeks is Smitha.
  • Hasitha: Eyes are broadened and smile showing a little bit of teeth with full-blown cheeks is Hasitha Rasa.
  • Vihasitha: It can be said giggling with little sound, contracted eyes, and bright cheeks and face is Vihasitha.
  • Upahasita: widely open eyes, expanded nostrils, and mocking laughter is Upahasitha.
  • Apahasitha: A laughter that includes watery eyes and shaky head and shoulder is Apahasitha.
  • Atihasitha: Loud and noisy laugh with teary eyes that stays for long. This type of Hasya Rasa is Atihasitha.

3. Karuna Rasa: Sadness or mourning on the separation from lover, thing, grandeur etc aroused from the Sthayi Bhava i.e. Shok. Sadness arises from the detachment of a beloved person or thing that makes one go into mourning or Shok is Karuna Rasa.

Alamban Vibhaav- Separation from beloved thing or person which arises sadness

Uddippan Vibhaav- funeral

Anubhaav: lamenting, Tension, cursing etc

4. Raudra Rasa: Rage, Furry, Hate, Blame arises from the Raudra Sthayi Bhava. When there is no fulfillment of the expectations, disrespect, fight, ego clashes that generates anger.

Alamban Vibhaav- Enemy, Hypocrites, Deceit

Uddippan Vibhaav- Activity Of Enemy

Anubhaav: Furious Eyes, Wide Nostrils, Outdare Etc.

5. Veer Rasa: Veer Rasa is associated with Valour who is strong, full of energy, zeal, and enthusiasm that arise from the utsaah i.e. courage Sthayi Bhava. Colour is pale red and associated with Lord Indra.

Alamban Vibhaav- Enemy, Power Etc

Uddippan Vibhaav- Activity Of Enemy, Challenge Etc

Anubhaav: Furious Eyes, Wide Nostrils, Outdare Etc

 The Veera Rasa are of 3 types:

  1. Dana Veera: The person who is caring and think about others, whose life is devoted to the well being of others, and donate money, grains, or gifts is Dana Veera. Dana Veera Karan is the fair example of this Rasa.
  2. Yudha Veera: The person who is brave and courageous enough to fight boldly irrespective of any kind of fear. 
  3. Daya Veera:  Daya means sympathy, the person who has sympathy with everyone.

6. Bhayanak Rasa: Fear is the Sthayi Bhava of Bhayanak Rasa. Fear is the primary sense that evoke watching or sensing things that apparently arises the fear of death.

Alamban Vibhaav- Things And Creatures That Causes Fear

Uddippan Vibhaav- Activity Of Things And Creatures That Causes Fear

Anubhaav: Shiver, Thrill, Burial Sites Etc.

7. Vibhatsya Rasa: Vibhatsya means the feeling of disgust and hatred arise upon seeing rotten things, meat, blood, etc.

 Alamban Vibhaav- Rotten Things, Meat, Blood Etc.

Uddippan Vibhaav- By Seeing Or Listening About Rotten Things, Meat, Blood Etc.

Anubhaav: Splitting, Turning Face, Contracting Nose Etc

8. Adbhutha Rasa: When the person saw a supernatural thing that makes him feel astonish or wonder arise is Adbhutha Rasa. Wonder or astonishment is the Sthayi Bhava.

Alamban Vibhaav- Supernatural Things Etc

Uddippan Vibhaav- Attainment Of Desired Thing, Supernatural Conversation, Things That Generate Astonishment Etc.

Anubhaav: Broaden Eyes, Stare, Thrill, Sweat Etc.

9. Shanta Rasa: Shanta Rasa states peacefulness or tranquility. When there is peace, silence, stability in the heart and mind, there is no feeling of happiness, sadness, grudge, anxiety, etc that arise the Shanta Rasa.

Alamban Vibhaav- Attainment Of Divine, No Interest In Worldly Affairs Etc

Uddippan Vibhaav- Spiritual Discourse, Pilgrimage, Burial Sites Etc.

FAQ’S Related : Nav Rasa (Nine Emotions) Rasanubhuti

What are the Sthayi Bhava ?

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About the Author: – Neha Khunteta

She is a Kathak Artist and has been associated with it for more than 10 years and the founder of Kathak By Neha the best Kathak dance academy in Jaipur.

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